Presentation fear???

2009-04-03 10:14 pm
Yesterday is my introduce product presentation on my classroom, but no good, I just is only take a paper to read quickly because I didn't completely my presentation I'm afraid. I always have great fear of peoples face. But whole my classmate, I can't to solve my heart problem. I think I don't know whether have other course, I can always speaking to people face each time, It better subject is English conversation. I will be (主持) if I solved this problem.. he he he he ,I also take to laughing??? .....Could anybody help me for correction
昨天我在課堂上介紹產品的演譯,but一點都不好,我just take a paper to read quickly because I didn't completely my presentation I'm afraid, 我總是很害怕在大眾面前說話, 但全部都是我的同學(沒有怎交流) 我不能解決我的心理問題, 我想不知有沒其他課程,可以每次在堂上站出來(不準帶紙仔)在人家前說話,(English), 如果我可以解決到我的問題,我就可成為(詩儀)..哈哈哈哈,,,我還懂笑…真(修)家…….我幫我 correction...

回答 (3)

2009-04-05 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[第一] Yesterday is my introduce product presentation on my classroom


這句 「Yesterday 是 我在課室對產品的介紹的演講」好奇怪!

我們說 「I gave a presentation on a product in class yesterday.」

- give a presentation 給人演講
- on a product 關於一件產品

「 introduce 」是多餘的 , 你出去演講當然是介紹喇!

「 on my classroom」= 在你的課室上,
那個課室不是你的, 第二, 你不會在課室上面? 在課室裡吧! 課堂裡的英文是「in class」。


but no good, I just is only take a paper to read quickly because I didnt completely my presentation Im afraid.

「but no good」 這句不完整, 別人會問是哪裡不好, 什麼不好, 所以改成 「but it was no good」

just 和 only 都解「只是」, 不用重覆說, 改成 ;
「I only read my notes quickly 我只是很快的看了我的筆記」
paper紙, notes筆記, 用筆記會更清楚!

because I didnt completely my presentation Im afraid



I didnt completely my presentation
我沒有完全地我的演講。 ( 你說什麼啊?)

I didnt complete my presentation because I;m afraid.
我沒有完成我的演講因為我很害怕。 ( 對 )

[第三] I always have great fear of peoples face 解你很怕別人的面孔, 難道別人都是怪物嗎?

我總是很害怕在大眾面前說話 = I always have great fear of talking in front of a large group.

[第四] But whole my classmate, I can;t to solve my heart problem

But但是, Although (就算)

Although they are all my classmates, I am still afraid.

classmate眾數, 加s,

說你有心理問題太嚴重了, 好像說你自己有精神病哈哈!!

簡單說你還是很怕就行 ---I am still afraid.

I think I dont know whether have other course, I can always speaking to people face each time

I think I don;t know 我覺得我不知道 , 語法錯.
always 後面不用 -ing
speak to peoples` face 向別人面上說? 你說話當然是向著別人面說話啦!!


Are there any courses out there where they teach people presentation skills? (坊間有沒有教演講技巧的課程呢?)

[第六] It better subject is English conversation. (它最好課目是英語對話??????)

It better be an English-speaking course. (最好課程是全英語)

better後面跟 be!

[第七] I will be (主持) if I solved this problem.,I also take to laughing??

I will be a「 master of ceremony」司儀 if I can solve this problem.

不要用過去式「solved」, 因你是展望將來

我還懂笑 ----- I cant believe Im laughing. (我不能相信自己還在笑)

[第八] Could anybody help me for correction?
有人幫我為我改正嗎??? (不通)

Could anybody help me correct this?

無位打成段, ^^:::::: 會補充, 加油!

2009-04-05 11:14:58 補充:
I gave a presentation on a product in class yesterday but it was no good.
I only read my notes quickly. I didn't complete my presentation because I'm afraid.
I always have great fear of talking in front of a lage group.
Although they are all my classmates, I am still afraid.

2009-04-05 11:15:16 補充:
Are there any courses out there where they teach people presentation skills?It better be an English-speaking course.
I will be a master of ceremony if I can solve this problem. Haha, I cant believe Im laughing.
Could anybody help me correct this?

2009-04-05 11:18:22 補充:
我一出到去就會面紅, 講野好細聲.
參考: :)
2009-04-08 7:22 pm
I think again I think again, At bottom..002 is good peope, I have in wide world will be happy if I am her friend..加一句知己難求,
2009-04-06 10:36 am


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