同老細表達番”我係黎幫你手”, 應該點寫封email呢?

2009-04-03 4:16 am
今日因為幫老細做左成日野, 臨放工佢sent左個email黎俾我, 話: Thanks for your effort.

咁如果我想覆番老細, 意思大約係:
唔駛客氣, 我係你秘書, 我入黎(公司呢度)都係幫你做野. 如果有野要我幫你做, 請唔好客氣叫我幫手 ...

咁英文上面可以點寫先可以大體d呢? 請指教, thx~

回答 (3)

2009-04-04 5:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
mokwkc 的答案都ok, 不過:

因為唔知你同老細有幾熟,最好都係寫you are welcome, 唔好用don't mention it. 同埋我會調一調後面兩句:

You are welcome! Being your secretary is to give you assistance to complete any task for the company. if you need any help, please don't hesitate to let me know.

你係老細秘書, 唔係任何人的秘書,要寫your secretary. 我相信你會想強調你除左幫老細做野,都係幫緊公司,所以加for the company.
2009-04-03 11:45 am
Dear Mr./Mrs. XXX,

You are very welcome. I am your secretary, and am responsible for whatever you assign me to do. Please feel free to contact me should you need further assistance.

Yours Truly,
2009-04-03 5:46 am
You are welcome (or Don't mention it). Just let me know if you need any help, being a secretary here is to give you assistance to complete any task.

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