1.strong acid add into strong alkali, phenolphthalein做 indicator, colour change 係 colourless to pink, colourless to red 得唔得
2.strong alkali add into strong acid, phenolphthalein做 indicatoor, colour change 點解係 red/pink to colourless 唔係 red to pink
3.weak acid add into strong alkali, phenolphthalein做 indicator, colour change 係唔係 colourless to pink?點解唔係 colourless to very pale pink?
4.strong alkali add into weak acid, phenolphthalein做 indicator, colour change 係 red to pink 定 red to colourless
我真係超混亂, 請高手解答我以上問題thx!!!
我明左好多啦, 問多你少少野 acid 加落 alkali, methyl orange 做 indicator, colour change 係 yellow to orange? alkali 加落 acid, methyl orange 做 indicator, colour change 係 red to orange?