Macau ferry ticket - 金光免費船票仲有冇

2009-04-02 6:33 pm
我想在復活節去 macau, 唔知果段時間仲有冇金光免費船票派? 聽講好似 4 月1 日起又改左.... 有冇人知道可以話比我知?

回答 (2)

2009-04-04 4:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, no more free ticket. From 1Apr, you have to pay for your Hong Kong - Macau ticket first(Need to show your membership card, your membership no will be shown on ticket). Keep the ticket, earn 8 points within 24 hours and you can get HKD150 cash coupon and your return free ticket.
At the ticket counter, staff will show you about the new rules
2009-04-03 3:50 am


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