What to order in an Italian restaurant?

2009-04-02 1:25 am
Hi there, what are some good dishes to order in an Italian restaurant?

Why special? because it's not on menu?

回答 (6)

2009-04-02 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can never go wrong with lasagna.=)
2009-04-02 9:19 am
Don't go for the basics try something new like don't order lasagna or spaghetti try asking the waitress for their special just like someone wrote on here!Hope I could help=]
2009-04-02 8:44 am
My favorite is Saltimbocca. I like it with chicken. It's made with chicken or veal. It's a nice cutlet, with sage, prosciutto, cheese. A lovely sauce with white wine and shallots over it. Usually served with some type of pasta. It's so delicious...I make it at home even.

Aside from that I like stuffed pastas: manicotti, ravioli, stuffed shells, canneloni. Preferably cheese stuffed.
2009-04-02 8:34 am
I always get a pasta or risotto. But i find asking the waiter / waitress what they like always helps me choose as they know the menu and what the most popular dish is. When choosing like this you are hardly ever let down.
2009-04-02 8:31 am
stay away from the basics like spaghetti lasagna etc. Go for Braised Pork, Veal Scallopini, Something like that.

also may try gnocchi instead of pasta, if the make it fresh. It's very good.
2009-04-02 8:29 am
Ask the waiter/waitress for their special.

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