✔ 最佳答案
1. I'm not quite sure what you mean here. If you erase the EVs from some stats. with berries, then the stats do go down. If you just ignore them, and never EV train them, then they stay as they normally would, they don't decrease by themselves.
2. Ah, yes. My brother likes to ask this. He want to give his alakazam EVs in defence, to make it better. Perhaps this is the thing to do. But although they have very poor defence, if you EV train them to have 252 in sp. att. and speed, this low defence is not too much of a problem, as they are so quick and powerful to 1HKO.
3. Yes. But do you really have enough money to buy all those stat. increasing drinks like protein? I use EV reducing berries. There's nothing wrong with them, that's why they're there. They helped me to re-do my torterra's stats. after I completed Pearl and learnt about EVs. Anyway, you can only use a certain amount of proteins etc, as I'm sure you know. If you have 0 EVs in attack, protein will only allow you to go up to 100 EVs. To be honest, in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the new items like Power Band and Power Belt help you to EV train very quickly, so I never use stat. increasing drinks.
4. EVs and IVs have always been encorporated into the game mechanics, but on R/B/Yellow and G/S/Crystal, there was no limit on how many EVs you could get (apparently). This was changed on R/S/Emerald so it was a maximum of 510, with 255 in each stat., as it still is now on D/P/Platinum.
Hope this helps you figure this out. I had these questions about this time last year. Email me if you're still stuck.