MSN 9.0 問題,,,msn 高手 plz help!!

2009-04-02 6:36 am
我dl左msn 9.0 用左幾日.....發覺d 人sd message 俾我個陣....冇左以前個d提示(即係係工具列個到有對話框按鈕閃爍),,搞到我唔知有人sd message 黎......點樣整番有提示na??

ps 我唔要有音效,,only 閃爍提示

回答 (2)

2009-04-06 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
did you install the MSN PLUS and MSN at the same time? I lost the "orange hints" also when I installed the MSN PLUS. After I uninstalled the MSN PLUS, the "hints" appeared again. I think there should be something wrong with your MSN version. If this situation continues, you should reintsall your MSN.
2009-04-05 9:22 pm
禁選項,,and then禁音效,,,就okay

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