英磅 兌換

2009-04-02 6:22 am
英磅 兌換
i live in uk n im comin back to hk in summer
so where can i change the money in hong kong??
n how long does it take?

(i will bring pounds to hk)

dont tell me go to bank or the shop

will someone tell where it is!

how long does it take??** a few days? or i can get in a day??

回答 (1)

2009-04-08 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Try Berlin Company. The rate is better than the bank and you don't have to pay any services charge.
The address and phone :
Room 1703,Chinese Bank Building. 61-65, Des Voeux Road Central,
Central, Hong Kong (Opposite Man Yee Building) Tel: 2523 3403

2009-04-10 23:34:15 補充:
You can get it immediately.

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