改Grammer (不要用翻譯網)

2009-04-01 7:24 pm

The Bank Officer notified us that the cheque is returned. When did the cheque deposit in the bank? As the cheque is returned of the second.

有關租客吸煙,我們已經聯絡對方。不要在單位在吸煙,如發現,你可以報警。 About smoking of the tenant, we had contacted with him. Don't smoking inside the premise. If he smoking inside the premise again. You can call the police.

回答 (4)

2009-04-01 8:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The bank officer notified us that the cheque was bounced. When can we deposit the cheque to the bank again as the cheque was bounced twice? Please advise.

We have already warned the tenant who was found smoking inside the premises. Smoking is prohibited in this building. If you find anyone smoking inside the premises, please call the police.
2009-04-01 10:26 pm

Your cheque has been bounced twice. Please kindly advise when I can deposit your cheque into my bank account.

The Bank Officer notified us that the cheque is returned. When did the cheque deposit in the bank? As the cheque is returned of the second.
2009-04-01 11:30:08 補充


We have contacted our tenant regarding the smoking problem. If the enant smokes again inside the premise, please kindly contact the police.

About smoking of the tenant, we had contacted with him. Don't smoking inside the premise. If he smoking inside the premise again. You can call the police.
2009-04-01 8:26 pm
1. We have been advised by the bank that the cheque you issued has been returned unpaid. That is the second time the cheque bounced. Please advise us the date sufficient fund will be ready in the bank account for us to re-deposit the cheque.

2. In connection with smoking in the unit, we have informed the relevant tenant. If the tenant continues to smoke inside the unit, we advise you to report it to the Police.
2009-04-01 8:03 pm
The Bank had notified us that the check is returned. When can I deposit the check again? This is the second time that the check is being returned. Please advise.
In regards to the smoking problem of the tenant, we had already contacted the other party. Do not smoke inside the premise, otherwise you can call the police.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 16:16:55
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