中文翻譯英文 急急急

2009-04-01 5:18 pm

1)香港有好多街道名都係用香港港督黎命名 2)香港的巴士係巴士係英國巴士 (?) 3)被英國統治期間,留下英式建築風格的建築物。


2)香港的巴士係英國巴士 (?)

回答 (5)

2009-04-01 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What are your opinions about the changes and the influences of the governance of Great Britain.

2009-04-01 10:18:28 補充:
Correction:What are your opinions about the changes and the influences of the governance of Great Britain on Hong Kong?

2009-04-01 22:53:27 補充:
1) The names of many streets of Hong Kong are the names of the governor of Hong Kong.

2) Is the bus of Hong Kong the same as the bus of Great Britain?

3) The buildings with English architectural style during the period ruled by Great Britain.
2009-04-02 12:19 pm
What do you think about the effects/changes of Hong Kong under the British colony?

1) A lot of streets in Hong Kong are named after the HK Governors.
2) Are HK buses also British buses?
3) There are remains of unique architecture under the British colony.
2009-04-02 12:43 am
You thought that what Britain's series beginning does have to Hong Kong to affect or the change?

1) Hong Kong has many street famous metropolises is Lebanon names with Hong Kong governor of Hong Kong

2) Hong Kong's bus is the bus is the British bus?

3) by British rule period, leaves behind the English architectural style the building.

2) Hong Kong's bus is the British bus?
2009-04-01 7:45 pm
What sort of changes and influences do you think of Hong Kong
being ruled under British colony (in 20th century)?

2009-04-03 11:33:31 補充:
Many of the Street name are using Ex HK Governer's last name.

2)香港的巴士係英國巴士 (?)
Is Hong Kong using British origin bus?

During the British ruling, plenty of English style buildings left behind.
參考: 100% own
2009-04-01 5:51 pm
Do you think the British governance has changed or affected Hong Kong?

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 14:05:17
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