Plz help me

2009-04-01 6:24 am
Explain them clearly.

1. Two equal masses A and B are connected by a light string over a smooth pulley. The inclined is smooth. Which of the following is/are correct after they are released? Note that block A moves towards the inclined plane while block B is held in the position parallel to the height of the inlined plane)

(1) Both A and B moves with the same magnitude of acceleration.
Why does this statement be true?
When they are released, block A should undergo constant velocity and block B should undergo accleration due to gravity.

(2) Both A and B experience the same magnitude of resultant force during the moion.

(3) The P.E. lost by B is equal to the K.E. gained by B.

Plz help me ^0^!


Is uniform velocity = constant velocity??

回答 (2)

2009-04-01 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is as follows:

2009-04-01 7:57 am
I know smartboy has been waiting for a long time! ^_^
I am not good at Phy, so I can't help! Sorry, smartboy!

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