
2009-04-01 3:29 am
微軟 今天推出瀏覽器網路探險家IE 8(Internet Explorer 8),這家電腦軟體巨擘宣稱新版瀏覽器更安全,開啟網頁更迅速。

網友今天開始就可以從www.microsoft.com/ie8下載25國語言版本的IE 8。

微軟表示,IE 8的速度比之前的IE瀏覽器都還要快,同時納入「最先進的安全措施,讓越來越擔心線上安全的使用者感到安心」。

微軟執行長巴爾默(Steve Ballmer)說:「顧客清楚地講出他們對網路瀏覽器的要求--安全、快速且使用更方便。」

他發表聲明說:「有了IE 8,我們提供的網路瀏覽器能讓使用者取得需要的資訊、快速、提供其他瀏覽器都比不上的安全保護。」

回答 (1)

2009-04-06 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
微軟 今天推出瀏覽器網路探險家IE 8(Internet Explorer 8),這家電腦軟體巨擘宣稱新版瀏覽器更安全,開啟網頁更迅速。

網友今天開始就可以從www.microsoft.com/ie8下載25國語言版本的IE 8。
Microsoft introduced its "Internet Explorer 8" for people to download it
from its websites. Microsoft says this verson of browser is the safest and fastest.
People can download it at www.microsoft.com/ie8 from today. It is believed that
it has 25 different languages.

微軟表示,IE 8的速度比之前的IE瀏覽器都還要快,同時納入「最先進的安全措施,讓越來越擔心線上安全的使用者感到安心」。
Microsoft says that this IE 8 is faster any other IE browsers and
It is the safest. Net surfers will never have to worry about online security.
微軟執行長巴爾默(Steve Ballmer)說:「顧客清楚地講出他們對網路瀏覽器的要求--安全、快速且使用更方便。」
One of the executives of Microsoft Steve Ballmer said that customers told them
what their requirements were. What they wanted was the safest and fastest browser.
他發表聲明說:「有了IE 8,我們提供的網路瀏覽器能讓使用者取得需要的資訊、快速、提供其他瀏覽器都比不上的安全保護。」
He announced that IE 8 would provide IE users with useful information, speedy browsing ,and online security that no other browsers can.
參考資料:知識長,WHATWHAT24 msn教。

2009-04-05 19:28:19 補充:
Microsoft introduced its "Internet Explorer 8" for people to download it
from its websites today.

2009-04-05 19:31:15 補充:
Microsoft introduced its "Internet Explorer 8" to everyone and let us download it

2009-04-05 19:34:00 補充:
Microsoft says this latest version of browser is the safest and fastest.

2009-04-05 19:40:54 補充:
one more mistake

Microsoft says that this IE 8 is faster than any other IE browsers and
it is the safest.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 22:42:03
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