geog mc-what will cause tsunam

2009-04-01 3:01 am
which of the follwoing cause tsunami?

1, landslide occurs in the ocean
2, earthquake occurs in the ocean
3, volcanic eruption on the ocean floor
4, collision of ocenaic plates

A, 123
b, 134
c, 234,
d, 1234

the answer is A, but as i know collision of oceanic plates triggers tsunami too. aint i right?? can any high hands help?

回答 (2)

2009-04-02 3:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe I can help you .First you need to know every day many collosion of ocenaic plates occur in the Earth's ocean .Collosion has different levels, some are small, and some are big .The high levels we can call them earthquake . lf we say collision of ocenaic can cause tsunami , then we will face tsunami everg day .In general, smaller collision of ocenaic plates won't cause any damage .Only some big can cause such a big damaged .
I hope I can help you
參考: myself
2009-07-02 12:01 am
collision of ocenaic plates => transforming faults' lateral shearing only.
most of them are expanding (drifting apart)


2009-07-01 16:02:49 補充:
sorry typing error !
ocenaic plates => oceanic plates ^^

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