英文翻譯..only a short essay

2009-04-01 12:09 am
Courier是一個等寬字體的粗襯線字體,主要是依據打字機所打印出來的字型來設計,於1955年由Howard "Bud" Kettler設計完成。原來Courier New的字體是IBM公司在1950年代設計給打印機使用的字體,但是並未維護他們的專利,使得這個字型成為整個打字機製造業的標準。
12 pt的Courier New字體曾是美國國務院的公文標準字體,但於2004年1月停用,改使用14 pt的Times New Roman,因為其具「現代性」和「易讀性」。

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2009-04-03 11:38 am
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Courier是一個等寬字體的粗襯線字體,主要是依據打字機所打印出來的字型來設計,於1955年由Howard "Bud" Kettler設計完成。
Courier is a monospaced Egyptienne, it is mainly designed to resemble the output font from a [strike-on] typewriter, and was designed by Howard "Bud" Kettler in 1955.
原來Courier New的字體是IBM公司在1950年代設計給打印機使用的字體,但是並未維護他們的專利,使得這個字型成為整個打字機製造業的標準。
The Courier New typeface was originally designed by IBM in the 1950s for their typewriters, but they did not secure the patent / legal exclusivity to the typeface, so it became a standard font used throughout the typewriter industry.
Nowadays in the electronic century / era, this typeface is often used due to its monospaced characteristic which can be easily aligned with both sides / aligned with the left and right column boundary, and becomes the commonly used typeface in script and the source code in program designing.
12 pt的Courier New字體曾是美國國務院的公文標準字體,但於2004年1月停用,改使用14 pt的Times New Roman,因為其具「現代性」和「易讀性」。
12 point Courier New was once the U.S. State Department's standard typeface, but it was abandon in January 2004, and was replaced with the 14 point Times New Roman, since it [/the latter] possesses a "modern" and "legible" character.

Hope this helps~~~
2009-04-03 2:53 am
Courier is a typewriter fonts coarse Roman fonts, which is mainly based on the typewriter fonts are designed to print, 1955, by Howard "great" Kettler design. The font is original Courier New IBM in the 1950s to printer font design, but did not maintain their patents, makes the fonts becomes the typewriter manufacturing standards.
In the electronic age, this also is often use fonts because its width characteristics can be easily align left column boundary, also become the script and program design code used font.
12 the pt Courier New font is the U.S. state department official standard font, but in January 2004 discontinuation of pt, 14 am New Roman ", because its modernity "and" readability ".
2009-04-02 12:47 am
Courier is one and so on wide typeface thick serif typeface, is mainly rests on the font which the typewriter prints to design, in 1955 by Howard " Bud" The Kettler design completes. Originally the Courier New typeface was IBM Corporation in 1950 age designs the typeface which used to the printer, but has not defended their patent, enabled this font to become the entire typewriter manufacturing industry the standard.
In the nowadays Electronic Age, this typeface often is also used, because its and so on wide characteristic may aline the column easily about boundary, also becomes in the script and the program design the source code commonly used typeface.
12 pt Courier the New typeface once was United States State Department's archives standard font, but stopped using in January, 2004, changed uses 14 pt Times New Roman, because of its “modernity” and “readability”.
2009-04-01 1:24 am
Courier is one and so on wide typeface thick serif typeface, is mainly rests on the font which the typewriter prints to design, in 1955 by Howard " Bud" The Kettler design completes. Originally the Courier New typeface was IBM Corporation in 1950 designs the typeface which used to the printer, but has not defended their patent, enabled this font to become the entire typewriter manufacturing industry the standard. In nowadays's Electronic Age, this typeface often is also used, because its and so on wide characteristic may aline the column easily about boundary, also becomes in the script and the program design the source code commonly used typeface. 12 pt Courier the New typeface once was United States State Department's archives standard font, but stopped using in January, 2004, changed uses 14 pt Times New Roman, because of its “modernity” and “readability”.
2009-04-01 12:37 am
Courier Is a rough-width font. serif fonts are based mainly on the typewriter font of the printed design.In 1955 by Howard "Bud" Kettler design finish.Courier New font that IBM are designed in the 1950s to the printer fonts used.But did not protect their patent.Makes the font of the typewriter as a manufacturing standard. In today's electronic age, this font is often used because of its characteristics such as wide can be easily field-aligned around the border, but also scripts and programming of commonly used fonts in the source.
12 pt had the Courier New font are the U.S. State Department official standard fonts, but suspended in January 2004, the 14 pt to use Times New Roman, because its a "modern" and "accessibility."
參考: Google Translate
2009-04-01 12:12 am
Courier is one and so on the width typeface thick serif typefaces, mainly is rests on the font which the typewriter prints to design, design completed in 1955 by Howard “Bud” the Kettler.The original Courier New typeface was IBM Corporation in 1950 age designs the typeface which used to the printer, but defended their patent by no means, enabled this font to become the entire typewriter manufacturing industry the standard. In the nowadays Electronic Age, this typeface often is also used, because its and so on the width characteristics may easily to Qi Lanwei about boundary, also becomes in the script and the formula design the primitive code commonly used typeface. 12 pt Courier the New typeface once was United States State Department's archives standard typeface, but stops using in January, 2004, changes uses 14 pt Times New Roman, because of its “modernity” and “readability”.
參考: 自己

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 21:05:16
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