a question about english

2009-03-31 5:20 am
you have a classmate who gets angry very easily.He likes bullying others and hurt others`feeling.What would you do stop him doing that?

complete sentence! thanks

唔洗咁長! 兩至三句就okay!

回答 (2)

2009-03-31 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, it would not be wise to confront him directly, being a bully, he will very likely get agitated/aggressive and resort to violence. Therefore the best thing to do, or probably the smartest thing to do is to speak to your teacher to let them know about the situation, so they can defend you from being bullied further.

If the bullying situation does not improve, I'll suggest taking the matter further up by contacting your local police. Of course, calling the police is the absolute last resort, we should only do this as the last option if there are no other choices available. Bear in mind, it is bad publicity for the school and a media nightmare!!!!

Before you pick up the phone, I would advise you to discuss with friends and family, reach a consensus, and then do the right thing by putting the bully to justice!!!!!

2009-04-01 11:26:57 補充:
Bully X= Talk (WRONG)

Bullying can be in the form of verbal abuse or physical violence

Most cases concern violence amongst younger schoolers and usually serious damage to the teenagers development and mentality

VOTE No.1!!!!!

2009-04-01 11:29:38 補充:
Speak to your teacher, let them know about the situation so they can defend you from being bullied further.

If the bullying situation does not improve
Take the matter further up by contacting local police

Clear and concise
2009-03-31 7:23 pm
Obvious, this guy's temper is fierce & not easy to get along with. If you want to stop him doing that, you better:
1) Ignore the nonsense he siad
2) Talk to him with other topics
So that he'll find you're not interested in at what he'd said, so gradually, he'll stop saying stupid things. (hopefully)
參考: Own opinion only

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