
2009-03-31 4:49 am





回答 (3)

2009-03-31 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案

* 3/4 pound pork tenderloin
* 2 - 3 teaspoons soy sauce
* Pinch of cornstarch
* Sauce:
* 1/4 cup sugar
* 2 tablespoons ketchup
* 2 tablespoons dark soy sauce
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 cup water or reserved pineapple juice
* 1/4 cup vinegar
* 1 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in 4 tablespoons water
* Batter:
* 1/3 cup flour
* 1/3 cup cornstarch
* 1 egg white, lightly beaten
* 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
* 1/3 cup warm water, as needed
* Other:
* 1 carrot
* 1/2 red bell pepper
* 1/2 green bell pepper
* 1/2 cup pineapple chunks
* 3 cups oil for deep-frying, or as needed

Directions for sweet and sour pork
Cut the pork into 1-inch cubes. Marinate in the soy sauce and cornstarch for 20 minutes.

To prepare the sauce, in a small bowl, combine the sugar, ketchup, dark soy sauce, salt, water or juice and vinegar. Set aside. In a separate bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in the water. Set aside.

Peel the carrot and chop on the diagonal into 1-inch pieces. Cut the bell peppers in half, remove the seeds and cut into cubes.

Heat the oil for deep--frying to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

For the batter, combine the flour and cornstarch. Stir in the egg white and vegetable oil. Add as much of the warm water as is needed to form a thick batter that is neither too dry or too moist. (The batter should not be runny, but should drop off the back of a spoon).

Dip the marinated pork cubes in the batter. Deep-fry in batches, taking care not to overcrowd the wok. Deep-fry the pork until it is golden brown. Remove and drain on paper towels.

(to be continued)

2009-03-30 20:54:01 補充:
To prepare the sweet and sour sauce, bring the sauce ingredients to a boil in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add the carrot, green pepper, and pineapple. Bring to a boil again and thicken with cornstarch mixture, stirring.
2009-03-31 2:57 pm


1. 洗淨雞脾肉,切小塊,以鹽、糖、油及生粉略醃。
2. 芒果去皮去核,將芒果肉切塊。
3. 燒熱油,加入雞肉炒至將熟,加入茄汁、鹽、糖,再炒至雞肉全熟。
4. 最後加入芒果略炒,即可上碟。

Fried Mango with Chicken

Ingredients :
Chicken thigh meat 1 lb
Mango 1 pc
Ketchup 2 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Sugar 1/4 tsp

Method :
1. Wash chicken thigh meat, cut into small pieces. Marinate with salt, sugar, oil and cornstarch.
2. Peel mango and discard seed. Cut into cubes.
3. Heat oil. Fry chicken meat until nearly done. Add in ketchup, salt, sugar and fry until well done.
4. Add in mango cubes and stir fry. Ready to serve.
參考: 自己
2009-03-31 5:54 am
百香果 = passion fruit

波羅蜜 = Paramita

青檸 = Lime

鵝莓 = gooseberry

番石榴 = guava

甘蔗 = sugar cane

柑 = tangerine

枇杷 = loquat tree or its fruit

黃皮 = Yellow

黃晶果 = Jing Guo

香瓜 = muskmelon

黑莓 = Black Berry

海棠果 = Malus fruit

韶子 = Shao son

蘭撒 = Lang sat

李 = plum

栗 = chestnut

蓮果 = Lin Guo

蓮霧 = Wax apple

蓮子 = lotus seed

藍莓 = blue berries

梅 = prune

奇異果 = Kiwifruit

鱷梨 = Avocado

葡萄柚 = grapefruit

山楂 = hawthorn

山竹 = mangosteen

柿 = persimmon

釋迦 = Shakya

桑椹 = mulberry

神秘果 = Mystery fruit

水蜜桃 = Peaches

桃 = peach

無花果 = fig

山杏 = Apricot

四季桔 = Four Seasons orange

楊梅 = red bayberry

棗 = jujube

榛 = hazel
參考: 水果......

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