簡單英文問題! Do you... 一陣講

2009-03-31 3:30 am
Do you like watching TV news or reading newspaper???


I like watching TV news / reading newspaper decause ……

幫我想 / 你自已用你ge 意見!!!

比5點(窮到 洞『口語』)


回答 (5)

2009-03-31 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

001既it can make me increasing knowledge...亂黎的...

002既watching newspaper..你係讀個報紙..唔係望住佢..

我既answers (*意思都係差唔多, 但不同講法):

1. I like watching TV news and/or reading newspaper because I am kept updated with the latest things going around in the world.

(意思係: 我會知道世界上最近發生既事)

2. I like watching TV news and/or reading newspaper because they keep me well-informed with a variety of fields, such as information of local, national and international events.

(意思係: 我會知道好多唔同既野, 例如本地, national(唔識中文個詞語), 世界性既事情)

3. I like watching TV news and/or reading newspaper because they broaden my knowledge of different fields, for example science, since the topics that we study in school can be written about on newspapers or reported in TV news.

(意思係: 增加/擴闊不同領域既知識, 例如科學, 因為係學校教既野可能會係報紙/電視新聞中被報導)
2009-03-31 4:46 am
I like reading newspaper because I can know that what the world is happening when I read newspaper.
2009-03-31 4:07 am
like watching TV news or reading newspaper???


I like watching TV news / reading newspaper decause it can widen our knowledge and keep me informed of the daily happening in our society or the entire world.
幫我想 / 你自已用你ge 意見!!!

比5點(窮到 洞『口語』) I dont even have a penny. o
卍請你地快D幫我答卍 Please help me the answer these quickly.
2009-03-31 4:04 am
I like watching newspaper , because it can help me learn new knowledge and I can use the knowledge in my life.

2009-03-30 20:06:04 補充:
I can use the knowledge in my life=在我的生活裏運用這些知識
學到=it can help me learn new knowledge
參考: me, me
2009-03-31 3:43 am
I like watching TV news / reading newspaper because it can make me increasing knowledge.

參考: Me

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 16:16:48
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