
2009-03-31 3:23 am
他公司賺9萬 (未扣除我的薪金),我爸爸的薪金是12萬/年


回答 (2)

2009-04-04 9:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, the assessable income of your father is $210,000. It is because your father is the owner of the firm. Both the profit $90,000 and his "salary" $120,000 are assessable as his income chargeable under Profit Tax.
If you want to minimum the tax payable, you may consider to change the firm from a sole proprietor to a limited company. Your father will be the only shareholder of the limited company. At the same time, your father (maybe and you) will sign a employment contract with the limited company. Then your father will pay Salary Tax based on the salary $120,000 only. The limited company will pay Profit Tax based on $90,000. Many people use this method to save tax.
2009-03-31 4:44 pm
1. 點解你話公司利潤未減你人工?你在公司有無出糧同供強積金?
2. 公司利潤會做稅務調整,好似折舊、利息收入等。調整後利潤至加東主人工,咁至係課稅收入。

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:32:43
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