UE Section B 2009

2009-03-31 12:09 am
我想要09年o既section B問題,有無人可以打上黎呀?

回答 (2)

2009-03-31 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your school has voted a celebrity artist or athlete 'Person of the Year' for 2008. You are a reporter for the school magazine. You have interviewd the winner. Write an article for your school magazine showing how his or her experience of failure before finally succeding might inspire the personal development of students. Give your article an appropriate heading.

Some people have critised movie stats for staging extravagant weddings which cost far more than most couples would spend. Critics believe that such weddings could be just as beautiful and memorable if some of the millions of dollars spent were donated to charity instead. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Post stating your views on this issue and giving reasons for them.

Students and parents from your school have raised a large sum of money for China's development. The school Principal is now asking students for their opinions as to which one of the following teo initiatives in China should receieve the money: (i) further space exploration; or (ii) basic healthcare and education in rural areas. Write a letter to the Principal, saying which initiative should recieve the donation and why it should not be given to the other.

A large number of candidates from different schools recently entered the 'Ten Model Students' competition oragenised by a local newspaper. However, there were only six winners, all of whom were female students. The criteria on which the canidates were judged included academic performance, leadership skills, use of language to express themselves, and knowledge of the world. To what extent would you agree the male students in Hong Kong generally lack the qualities that would fit them for the title of 'model student'? Write an essay justifying your views and give it a suitable title.
2009-04-04 8:21 am
無聊一問,點解知識分類係> 商業經濟> 稅務 ?Use of English喎...

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