
2009-03-30 8:22 pm

回答 (2)

2009-03-31 8:29 pm
不需要分先後,我通常是米和水同時放進鍋子一起煮 (最好用大一點的鍋子,不會滾瀉 ),然後用大火,滾起後要將蓋子打開,但不好收慢火 (這樣米粒會沉下變成黏底);時間要看自己想吃有粒粒口感還是很綿..........可以自行試食。但最少都要10分鐘啦﹗
2009-03-31 7:34 pm
both can do~!! the oil is to help to break down the rice so it'll take a shorter time. but i like the 1st method better, seems like the texture of the congee will come out softer and smoother~!!

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