is this sentence correct?

2009-03-30 9:13 am
I have been studying in this school for 3 years. or must use HAVE BEEN STUDIED

now still studying there,not already

回答 (6)

2009-03-31 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are still studying in this school, than your sentence is absolutely correct.
I have been studying in this school for 3 years.

2009-03-31 11:46:00 補充:
than, should be "then".
If you are still studying in this school, then your sentence is absolutely correct.
參考: own
2009-04-03 6:14 pm
Yes, you are correct.. Becoz this event lasts for a long period of time (3 years) and it is still happening. So "have been studying" is correct.
參考: Own
2009-03-30 6:04 pm
"I have been studying in this school for 3 years" is correct.
This sentence is in present perfect continuous tense, active voice.

"Have been studied" is present perfect tense, PASSIVE voice.
2009-03-30 11:49 am
The sentence you wrote is correct.
Use "have/ has been (verb)+ing" when you are describing something(s) that have/has started in the past and still currently continuing. Use "have/ has been (verb)in past perfect" only for something(s) that started in the past and have/has been done.
2009-03-30 11:31 am
如果你既意思係「我係呢間學校已經讀左3年」,而你仲係呢間學校讀緊,咁你就應該用present perfect continious,所以你既答案係岩既。

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five minutes," "for two weeks," and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the Present Perfect Continuous.
2009-03-30 9:15 am
應該系have been studied


參考: My Teather

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