Renting a car in toronto. I will stay in Toronto for 3 months. Does anyone know the rent in Monthly bais?

2009-03-29 9:33 am
It is very expensive to count in a daily rate. Does anyone know any company has cheap offer?

回答 (3)

2009-03-29 4:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if you are in the city, use public transport and rent as needed, especially for weekends.
for really short trips and only occasionally, use one of these:

you might also try these folks for longer term:

or try these:
2009-03-29 8:04 pm
If you're going to spend most of the time downtown or in the metropolitan area, you don't need a car. It's very hard to get around the city with your own vehicle. I'd suggest you use public transit and cabs. If you need to get out of the city occasionally, rent a car then.
2009-03-29 5:39 pm
For three months, it is almost certainly cheaper to buy a cheap car, and resell it at the end of your trip, or just drive home (if you live in the Americas).

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