有關depreciation 一問-好難好難 (萬二分感激)

2009-03-30 7:16 am
1. 係(a)答案中, Machines Account 將Machine E & Machine F & Machine G 放係Dr , 而Machine C & Machine C 則以Machines disposal 的名稱代替,放係Cr Why ?個啲又b/f , b/d , c/d , c/f又點用?

2(a). 係(b)答案中, 計Machines Disposal (Machines C) $(4200+1050)
而計Machines Disposal (Machines D) $ (3640+1820+1820) 點解C同D的計法唔同,用咩準質來計算,又點解答案Cr用Profit and Loss

2(b). 同埋係問題中
Machines Account & Provision for Depreciation
Machine C 10,500 / 4,200
Machine D 18,200 / 3,640
Machine C 的價錢(10,500 ) 同(4,200)相差40% , 而Machine D 的價錢(18,200 ) 同(3,640)相差20%, 又點解, 又用咩準質來計算?

3:係(c)答案中 Cr : Provision for depreciation & Sales proceeds 相加 = X Dr : Machinery(係第一行) & Profit (係第二行)and loss -profit on disposal (係第三行)相加 = X 我想問Provision for depreciation & Sales proceeds 係會計裡的中文係點解? 點解要相加?成條式點解要咁用?

Gee Ltd is a manufacturer of screws. Its financial year ends on 31 March . It maintains a total machines account, and a separate total provision for depreciation account .


Gee Ltd provides depreciation on its machines at a rate of 10%per annum on the straight line basis. This is calculated on the machines in the total machine account at the end of the financial year, regardless of when they were purchased.


Depreciation is not provided on machines disposed of during the financial year. Analysis of the opeaning balances at 1 April 2015 showed :


Machines Account / Provision for Depreciation Account Machine C 10,500 / 4,200 Machine D 18,200 / 3,640 Total 28,700 / 7,840


The following transactions relate to subsequent years : Year ended 31 March / Purchases 2016 Machine E $16,100 2017 Machine F $25,300


2018 Machine G $5,400 Sales Proceeds from disposal Machine C $ 7,200 Machine D $ 9,000


Required (a) The total Machines Account for the years ended 31 March 2016 , 2017 and 2018 (b) The total Provision for Depreciation Account for the years ended 31 March 2016 , 2017and 2018


(c)The Machines Disposal Account for the years ended 31 March 2017 and 2018 (d)A Balance Sheet extract showing the entries for machines at 31 March 2018



回答 (3)

2009-03-30 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 係(a)答案中, Machines Account 將Machine E & Machine F & Machine G 放係Dr , 而Machine C & Machine C 則以Machines disposal 的名稱代替,放係Cr Why ?個啲又b/f , b/d , c/d , c/f又點用?
Dr 在會計中在資產科目中是增加的意思,而減少就用Cr。由於M/C E, F & G係購入(Purchases)所以係Dr 而 M/C C & D係出售(Disposal)所以係減少。因為你要從資產清單內將資產剔除,理由就要寫明係出售(Disposal),而c/f 同c/d 意思係轉餘額去下個年度或者下個月,而b/f 同b/d 係承接上年度結餘。好多時我地用 f 係在年結,而 d 係在期末如月結、季結等。
2(a). 係(b)答案中, 計Machines Disposal (Machines C) $(4200+1050)
而計Machines Disposal (Machines D) $ (3640+1820+1820) 點解C同D的計法唔同,用咩準質來計算,又點解答案Cr用Profit and Loss
睇番你個問題應該係M/C C 在2017年出售而M/C D 係在2018年出售。在計折舊時以年計算,所以C會要計多一次折舊而D就要兩次。
2(b). 同埋係問題中
Machines Account & Provision for Depreciation
Machine C 10,500 / 4,200
Machine D 18,200 / 3,640
Machine C 的價錢(10,500 ) 同(4,200)相差40% , 而Machine D 的價錢(18,200 ) 同(3,640)相差20%, 又點解, 又用咩準質來計算?
3:係(c)答案中 Cr : Provision for depreciation & Sales proceeds 相加 = X Dr : Machinery(係第一行) & Profit (係第二行)and loss -profit on disposal (係第三行)相加 = X 我想問Provision for depreciation & Sales proceeds 係會計裡的中文係點解? 點解要相加?成條式點解要咁用?
Provision for Depreciation 即係累計折舊而Sales Proceeds即係出售固定資產金額。在計算出售資產利潤(P/L on Disposal)係以出售金額(Sales Proceeds)減去資產剩餘額(Net Book Value)即係資產成本減折舊是耶!
2009-03-30 8:37 am
折舊 (depreciation), 相對其他的 topic (s) 容易;看來應花多些時間, 閱讀有關的課文內容。
2009-03-30 7:46 am
你睇下我 寫 disposal of asset 的 journal 看看會不會比較有幫助

Dr Provision for depreciation
Cr Disposal of asset

Dr Disposal of asset
Cr Asset

Dr Bank
Cr Disposal of asset

最後睇下哪一邊個數大 d 就 入 profit / loss
如是 profit
Dr Disposal of asset
Cr Profit and Loss

如是 loss
Dr Profit and Loss
Cr Disposal of asset

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