What is僱傭票?

2009-03-30 6:48 am
What is僱傭票?Can someone people who knows the answer tell me,because my home helper need to buy ticket to go back to her home and see her mother!
If my home helper need to buy ticket,what ticket should she buy?
please help me!!!><

回答 (1)

2009-03-30 1:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
僱傭票(Labour Ticket):是指持有僱主的有效合約, 連同該僱員個人護照的副本, 才能購買這類的機票。這類別的機票, 可以在出票後, 更改回程日期; 同時, 有效期可長達一年。
可到下列的網頁, 購買有關的僱傭票。
希望上述的資料, 可以幫到你。

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