英文作文唔識作 help!! 20點 十萬火急

2009-03-30 5:43 am
題目係:how to lead a happy school life(唔知有冇打錯 總之係類似既意思)
唔識點作 麻煩請幫我作1篇plz!!!!
字數約200字 小6至中1程度(用字最好淺 因為本人既英文水平好差=.=)

回答 (3)

2009-03-30 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To lead a happy school life, the first prerequisite is to keep a cheerful mind. Keep smiling to your classmates, teachers, or even the janitors all the time. Offer your helping hand to them when they need your help. Take the initiative to making acquaintances. Participated in variety of extracurricular activities. Set your goal for study and go for it. You will enjoy your school life if you were able to do all the things above.

[email protected]
2009-03-30 6:37 am
Let me give some points for you to write this essay
-How important that teachers should lead a happy school life?
-What are the benefits(好處)if the teachers lead a happy life?
-What kind of plan they should do to organize the activities for lead a happy school life?
-How teachers are important that they are playing a important role (角色) to lead a happy school life?
-How will the students feel after teachers lead a happy school life?
Those are the points for you to have reference on your essay, please think about it.
2009-03-30 5:45 am

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