F.6 Physics - Capacitor

2009-03-30 12:17 am
If C= 10uF, R= 100Ω and frequency o reed switch = 50Hz

點計果 average discharging current 係 3mA ?

重有.... 點解個用一個細d resistance 的 resistor 可以確保個 capacitor 可以 completely discharge ? 係唔係關個 time constant 事?

回答 (1)

2009-03-30 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is again a standard texbook problem. You could find the solution in every physics texbook.
The charge stored in the capacitor when fully charged
= 10V uC
where V is the voltage of the battery that is used to charge up the capacitor
since there are 50 discharges in 1 second, the current = charge flow through R in 1 sceond = 50x10V uA = 500V uA = 0.5V uA
If the resistance of R is NOT small enough, you cannot be sure that there is complete discharge of the capacitor during each cycle. In this way, you cannot apply the equation, current = charge on capacitor x 50 discharges/second to calculate the current. The actual current will be much smaller than that.
In other words, the value of R should be chosen such that the time constant (RC) << 1/50 second

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