Describing thing???

2009-03-29 9:52 pm
這是我將會在某天的 Presentation,測驗,but only 10% 請幫我看看英文部分有什麼不對,,,謝謝..thank you so much,,
今日介紹這部英文字典機,是現今最先進的,(BESTA9592),外形不重花巧,全銀色,英文字典機簡單些來說解釋英文生字,記事,普通英語練習,而這部字典機就不同words stock, 多逹4000 billion ,全句翻譯,文化修正,Many Country conversation Speaking Listening Exercise. Video teaching 由淺入深,這些都是其次,最重要是這部是雙解字典,即是查一個生字,有英文解釋,亦中文解釋,如果妳只用一部普通字典機,只會學到一個生字的解釋, 而英文是解釋是什麼,是由其他淺易英語和有關這個生字的詞語再作解釋,這樣的來回學習, 在這個時候妳和妳的孩子, 更可以學到其他詞語,還有很多例句,文化,同義,反義,這樣的學習,妳才可通透了解這個生字,如果妳將來想做 photographer astrologer philosopher,這東西可幫到妳,他含有很多尊業性和技術性(術語) 至於娛樂方面,有mp3 movie 睇相 等等,盒內附有光碟,保用證,說明書,現購價,1000元,今天購買還有八折優恵,,
Today let me introduce the dictionary machine, It is now better update(BESTA9592). External form never variegated. Skin whole silver. Dictionary machine simple use to explain English, Record of events Common learn English. But (BESTA9592)'s different, It have four thousand billion words, Sentence translation, Grammar revised, Many Country conversation, Speaking-Listening-Video exercise. from shallow to deep.This is secondary, Importance..(BESTA9592) have double explain, Chinese explain and English explain, You may know only one English explain if you used quite ordinary dictionary machine. What is English explain? English is used shallow English and related English for explain. Do you or your children have more learn other words in times. And example sentence, synonym antonym variation cross-query Such study You can completely know this word.
When you gradates. You would like to Photographer Astrologer Philosopher. (BESTA9592) can help with you, It's content much more terminology and professional words. As for interesting, you can playing mp3 video WIFI function. The box is adhered to laser disc and guarantee the certificate. Now sell eight hundred dollars. Tomorrow it's one thousand dollars. Buy it as soon as possible.

我知道很多文法錯誤,這個是事實,如果要人家改晒整遍文章,可能要很長時間,人家未必會這樣做,大家可不可以像 001 這樣,他已改了我頭一句,我亦會用這句(Today I would like to talk about),我亦很多 謝他,我希望大家可不可以再改其他句子,其實講到Grammar,


可以用很多淺或深詞語組成句子,我跟本分不出什麼叫淺,什麼叫深,學到我都頭暈暈,妳問我 to, with, about, who, which, when, if,等等確實怎樣用,放在句子頭,或中,或尾,我真的答不上,我只知學學,,結果 是怎樣...一知半解,一知少解,但仍然要做下去,如果不做,什麼也wasted...這是我(初學)與(自學)的心聲,,,請不要介懷我在這裏 grumble,對不起,,,

回答 (3)

2009-03-31 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Morning/ Afternoon ladies and gentleman, today I was kindly requested by ...... to do a presentation on my new computer dictionary. This very nice piece of equipment was bought last year, for XXXX $, since there has been new versions (BESTA9592) and so on so forth.

The external shell is simple with ordinary colours, as you can see it's silver all around, just like any other computer dictionary in any high street shops. But this is my personal favourite and I've kept it in very good condition!!

Moving on to the functions of this dictionary, first of all, it's user friendly and very simple use, for example you can type in a few letters, it can then automatically generate English sentances and explaination, in matter of seconds. Wonderful invention isnt it?
Diary for recording appointments and databank for Common English, comes as standard. What makes (BESTA9592) different is that it has four thousand billion words!!! I lost count!!! Direct Sentence translation, Grammar correction, Local slangs and conversation, Speaking-Listening-Video exercise. From elementary to advanced level, this machine is equally suitable.
2009-03-29 10:51 pm
好多文法錯誤 建議你用簡單啲既字詞
2009-03-29 9:59 pm
(Today I would like to talk about) the dictionary machine, It is the most advanceddictionary machine(BESTA9592)...
( )內的文字是英文說話必須有的開場白。

2009-03-29 14:00:51 補充:
如果沒有(Today I would like to talk about),你已注定不合格!!!
參考: 老師

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