
2009-03-29 7:57 pm
幫我查字典呀!!!唔該!!! 記住用書面語喎!!!

1.出身 2.低微 3.彈奏 4.推辭 5.忍辱 6.豈料 7.咄咄逼人 8.勉強
9.執掌 10.朝政 11.能耐 12.嘴皮子 13.懼怕 14.兇狠 15.乘虛而入
16.顧全大局 17.氣度 18.無地自容 19.昏邁 20.不識大體
21.負荊請罪 22.功勞 23.卓著


回答 (2)

2009-03-30 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. family backgrounds
2. mean
3. play
4. to decline
5. to endure shame
6. who would imagine
7. aggressively
8. reluctantly
9. to wield
10. royal government
11. ability
12. glib lips
13. to fear
14. ominously ruthless
15. to seize the opportunity to sneak in
16. to take the entire situation into account
17. bearing
18. to feel too ashamed to be in public for
19. dusks to step
20. to fail to see the bigger problem
21. to carry a rod and ask for punishment
22. merit
23. outstandingly
參考: me
2009-03-29 9:55 pm
1. family backgrounds 2. mean 3. play 4. to decline 5. to endure shame 6. who would imagine 7. aggressively 8. reluctantly
9. to wield 10. royal government 11. ability 12. glib lips 13. to fear 14. ominously ruthless 15. to seize the opportunity to sneak in
16. to take the entire situation into account 17. bearing 18. to feel too ashamed to be in public for 19. dusks to step 20. to fail to see the bigger problem 21. to carry a rod and ask for punishment 22. merit 23. outstandingly

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