中國 增值稅 和營業稅

2009-03-29 12:49 pm

回答 (2)

2009-03-30 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
In general, the factories in China are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT 增值稅). The tax amount is calculated based on the sales revenue of the factories.
Business Tax (BT 營業稅) is applied to those service industries, e.g. restaurant, audit firm, transportation company etc. It is also calculated based on the sales revenue.
Recalled that last year Hong Kong has a debate on whether to implement Goods and Services Tax (GST). GST is of the same nature as VAT and BT.
You are correct that 25% is the tax rate of Enterprise Income Tax (EIT) in China. It is similar to Profit Tax in Hong Kong.

2009-04-05 15:49:48 補充:
VAT is the most difficult tax in PRC tax system and "免,抵,退" is the most difficult section in VAT! 這是考試的必考題,無幾百字加例題都幾難明。簡單來說,是在VAT中的免征增值稅,抵扣增值稅和退還巳繳增值稅。
2009-03-29 7:49 pm

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