











感謝所有訪客的登入與作答 實在給在下莫大的幫助, 在往後的日子, 還有很多英文方面的問題要向諸位網友請教呢! 在此深深地向各位致謝 願上主親自報答各網友在作答過程中所付上的熱誠和勞苦!

回答 (4)

2009-03-29 12:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) You have to practice this more than once, otherwise you won’t be able to memorize. Even you can memorize now, it’s very easy to forget.
2) This word is used frequently.
3) This word is frequently used in the daily life for sure.
4) This word will appear in the daily life very often.
5) Is today’s school syllabus exhausting?
6) When did you go to bed last night?
7) Are you paying full attention right now?
8) It’s better if you can concentrate a bit more.
9) Do you speak English or Cantonese at home? How about in school? What language do you frequently use?

10) Try your best to write the words big enough to fill the square.
2009-03-29 8:59 am
1) you cannot only practice Like this you will not be able to record Even if the present remembered Also very easy to forget .

2) this is frequently used character .

3) this character definitely meets Chang Yongdao .

4) in the lifethis character often to present .

5) in the life today school curriculum to be tired?

6) you late rested yesterday?

7) you think you now wholly-absorbed .

8) you, if can be again wholly-absorbed spot better.

9) you usually to speak English or Cantonese in the home In school? What language does the majority use ?

10) writes as far as possible the character in a big way, must big enough to fill the check .
2009-03-29 8:58 am

1) You can't just practice once, that way you wouldn't remember. You will easily forget even if you can remember now.

2) This word is commonly use

3) This word is definitely use in day-to-day basis

4) Will this word often used in daily life

5) Is today's lesson tiring?

6) Did you sleep late last night

7) Now, do you think that you can concentrate?

8) It would better if you can concentrate a bit more

9) Do you speak English or Cantonese at home? What language normally spoken in school

10) Try to write the letters big enough to fill the space.

2009-03-29 01:07:18 補充:
注意: 當中文意思/句子想要翻成英文, 好多時唔係直接一個一個字翻譯, 係要明白成句中文先翻譯成英文句子!

2009-03-29 01:07:24 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^
2009-03-29 8:35 am
You cannot only practice time you not to be able to record like this, even if the present remembered that is also very easy to forget

This is a frequently used character

This character definitely meets Chang Yongdao in the life

This character will often appear in the life

Today the school curriculum is tired?

Yesterday you late rested?

You think you with single-hearted devotion now 夠

If you can be again wholly-absorbed a spot to be better

You usually spoke English or Cantonese in the home
In school? What language does the majority use

Writes as far as possible the character in a big way, must big enough to fill the check

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