
2009-03-29 7:59 am
新買IPHONE..係2.2.1..JB左..有cydia同埋installer..但唔識用..睇左好多教學但好多都用唔到...有d source都係dead..add左落去就error...我想轉theme..想dl game for free...想搵d可以逐一刪除電話記錄同sms既軟件...可否請大家比d work既教學...同方法..謝謝大家...如有其他野係應該裝去iphone...請提議下...感激..

回答 (1)

2009-03-31 11:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
First you check your network connection.
You can try re-setup the source list.
It the source is successfully install, it will be no problem to refresh/download applications in Cydia.

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