
2009-03-28 10:45 pm
1) 去美國升學…我係升幾年級?!
2) 我聽說HK F.5畢業已經有入讀大學的資格…是真的嗎?!我又可以去讀嗎?!
3) 去美國升學要考D咩試 AND 要做D咩準備?!
4) D試係IN HK考OR NOT?!
5) 美國的學院&大學水平又如何?!
6) 有冇一D agent係好的...幫我搞掂晒所有留學的野&有d分析比我cc我應該升咩學校?!
7) agent的收費又係點?!
8) 學費&生活費一年多少?!
9) 有冇學校係大家推薦的?!
10) 我打算會考後…姐係5月先去搵agent幫我&搵學校…會太遲嗎?!
E D就係我的問題...麻煩有經驗的人士幫下我...
不要hard sale...重要的是...講你地的經驗比我知^.^

回答 (3)

2009-03-29 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) You can choose university level. Usually people will go to community college.

2) Yes.

3) For community college (2-year college for preparation for 4-years university), you will need a good TOEFL score and HKCEE result. (IELTS usually does not work in the United States). Also, you will have to have 1-year of funding available.

4) They are offered worldwide, including Hong Kong.

5) Depends on individual college. There is no bad school but students who do not work hard.

6) Agent can help you to find a school. But they will not find the one who fit you the most. You have to think about that yourself.

7) I don't know as you can do that on your own without extra fee.

8) Not less than HKD$300,000 (for community college) per year.

9) It depends on where you want to go.

10) Too late. People start finding a school about 6-9 months before departure.

If you really want to study overseas, don't rely on Chinese. You have to learn how to use it eventually.
2009-03-30 9:33 pm
HI first of all, your point 2 is right, After graduate from HKCEE, you can directly go to Year 1, base on your result, if not enough, you can study foundation program then directly going back to Year 1

If you going to study in U.S. first of all, you need to pay lots of living fees and school fees....Hong Kong is changing to 3-3-4 , which means 4 years University, do not try to spend time on Diploma opr community college....oversea agency must ask you to start in community college even you meet the requirement entering Year 1......

I am a Degree Programme Enrollment Officer from a U.S. University, so i know all the entery requirement and i will do the acceptance of the enrollment base on your HKCEE result.

If you want to know more information, feel free to leave me a msg with your email, i will show you all the information on how to get a Degree after HKCEE, cheers
2009-03-29 12:10 am



e-mail : [email protected]

參考: 我 = 升學顧問

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