推翻v=frequency*wavelength (20分)

2009-03-28 7:24 pm
By dispersion of white light inside a prism, we would find out that the speed of red light is faster than that of white light, so it also has higher refractive index

That's sounds simple enough, wavelength of red light is larger than that of white light, so it is faster!

That comes to a question, do we need to ignore their frequency?

As a metaphor, I can tell all of you a story:

A diver jumps into the bottom of swimming pool and starts running. This guy runs with the same frequency all the time [frequency kept constant for a wave], but cannot maintain its normal stride due to higher resistance. Will this guy run faster than that of the other diver which could run with much higher frequency in his steps? May not!!!!

So, red light is faster than violet light provided only frequency is not taken into account, since violet has higher frequency than red light in the electromagnetic spectrum

Is there anything missed when considering frequency? From our experience, frequency kept constant in all medium, for example, a water wave has its frequency kept constant when entering a shallower region.

Could we treat water wave with EM wave in the same way? Yes, they are waves and in the same time transverse waves.

So the difference in frequency continues even when entering another medium, the only stance to say speed is equal to wavelength time frequency is that, frequency of red light and purple light is the same when they are entered from white light, and the color they appear to us is not due to their unique frequency, but their unique wavelengths?

Who agree with me? Or someone agree velocity is independent with frequency for this case

喂 00, 你比相對論網址比我做咩? 搏最佳答案?


One point missed: The larger a ray bends towards normal, the smaller the angle of refraction. The smaller the angle of refraction, the smaller is sin(r). And n=(v1/v2)=(sini/sin)


I mean (sin[i]/sin[r])


請各位到此網頁的人注意: Velocity of different waves are different in the same medium, this is proved by the experiment of dispersion using prism.


Since n-=(v1/v2), where n is the refractive index 你地唔信可以問物理老師 所以唔駛理002 呢一句說話: Again, the key is "speed of light of all wavelength is the same while traveling in the same medium".


velocity of speed of any EM wave is the same only in vacuum

回答 (2)

2009-03-29 2:29 pm
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding with the wave speed equation.

Yes, light travel at different speed in different medium.
However, all color of light travels at the same speed in the same medium. (eg. Red and Blue light both travel at speed X1 in medium 1. Red and Blue light both travel at speed X2 in medium 2.)

That's right "v = speed = constant" in that equation.

Therefore, by defining the frequency of the particular color of light, you are also defining its wavelength.

It is good that you think deep and raise up this question, often people don't ask even they come across a dilemma like this and they stuck with the wrong concept for their whole life and accepting what is given. In fact, this fundamental 'speed of light is constant' concept is what trigger Einstein's investigation of relativity theory!

Keep asking question, you should be happy to know where went wrong in your thinking instead of disappointed about being incorrect! This bring you one step closer to the truth.

2009-03-29 13:44:08 補充:
In addition, refractive index has nothing to do with speed of light. Again, the key is "speed of light of all wavelength is the same while traveling in the same medium".

2009-03-29 13:44:13 補充:
For your interest, visible spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet) travels at the same speed as other invisible spectrum (x-ray, gamma, microwave, radiowave).

(see the first paragraph)

2009-03-29 13:47:25 補充:
If you still don't understand, here it is...

v = f * lamda
v = constant

f = lamda * (constant)

Therefore, one f correspond to one lamda!
參考: 自己
2009-03-29 5:01 am
I don't really realise what do u mean by "By dispersion of white light inside a prism, we would find out that the speed of red light is faster than that of white light, so it also has higher refractive index", as white light is the effect of combining the visible colors of light in equal proportions, that is to say, it consists of red light. If you don't believe me, you can check it out from relevant books or otherwise.

Yeah, your concept is nearly entirely correct. "The longer the wavelength of light, the greater the velocity of it " is correct in most of the cases; however, it is not correct when light is travelling in a vacuum. Waves can be "blocked" by air or other matters, affecting their velocity.

"v=frequency*wavelength " is actually applied when considering lights in space. In schools, just like we always neglect the air resistance when calculating mechanics questions, the small error in the velocity of light is overlooked as well.

Hence, I don't agree with u at all.

2009-03-28 21:13:33 補充:
你總不能把圓形area條公式用來計正方形的and say loudly" this area formula is not correct"吧?
in most of the cases, calculations are never exactly correct. but it's okay as we just want to take a reference.

2009-03-28 21:15:41 補充:
如果v=frequency*wavelength 錯, 很多公式皆錯

2009-03-28 21:18:34 補充:
wait a minute, "公式指定是要用在在真空的EMwave才会100%correct" should changed to "公式指定是要用在在真空的EMwave才会99.9%correct"因為c的實際量值至今亦未有人計出

2009-03-28 22:20:25 補充:
take it as a reference

2009-03-28 22:24:34 補充:
from which you can know "Why does light propagate more slowly through a material environment than through a vacuum?" i'm not gonna explain it here as it's too complicate.

2009-03-28 22:39:36 補充:
anyway, just figure out who is correct

2009-03-29 12:25:32 補充:
just like the velocity of a free falling object can be affected by air resistance
but the law cannot be overturned

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