Can calcium dissolve in water

2009-03-28 5:57 pm
Can calcium dissolve in water

回答 (4)

2009-03-28 6:35 pm
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I think you may have this question wrong. Anyways, calcium is a metal. Calcium will react with water to form Calcium hydroxide and hydrogen gas is released.

Ca (s) + H2O (l) -> Ca(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g)

So, calcium by itself cannot "dissolve" in water but reacts with it to form calcium hydroxide.
2009-03-28 7:14 pm
Calcium will react with water.
Ca (s) + 2H2O (l) --> Ca(OH)2 (s) + H2 (g)

During the reaction,
colourless gas bubbles are formed.
collect the gas and test with a burning splint,
"pop"sound is heard due to hydrogen gas.
Also, there will be milky suspension because of
slightly soluble calcium hydroxide.
If we filtrate the remaining solution, the filtrate will be lime water.
參考: Chem TB
2009-03-28 6:51 pm
calcium+water>calcium hydroxide+hydrogen

as reaction goes on, the calcium pieces gradually decrease in size, and eventually disappear. A milky suspension will be produced since calcium hydroxide is only slightly soluble in water.
參考: textbook
2009-03-28 6:45 pm
Calcium reacts with water gas to form calcium hydroxide & hydrogen gas.

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