
2009-03-28 10:11 am
我今年會去考普通話會考 ,所以想問下要奪A要幾多分?卷1,卷2,卷3,卷4都分別要幾多分?? 總得分又係幾多分先可以有A? ... 普通話會考幾多分有A? 大概都好!!

回答 (2)

2009-03-28 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
my pth teacher told me ga.....
for each paper about 85
but u have to make sure u have a gd performance in oral as it carries 40% for the subject.
i am sitting for ce pth this yr too, add oil togather
參考: myslef
2009-03-28 10:56 pm

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