
2009-03-28 8:34 am
本人想成立公司, 有幾個問題想問問:

1. 如果有物業有什麼影響 (例如交稅會多D嗎??)
2. 一個人可以開有限公司嗎??
3. 網上看到一間叫"港信", 服務好嗎??
4. 開公司是否最少有一萬蚊資金就可以.
5. 開公司會否審查信貸記錄 (例如有些咭數未清..)


Thanks a lot!! 第一個point, 唔係好明白. 可否再講一講.. 唔該!!

回答 (3)

2009-04-18 7:41 pm
有意pls email : [email protected]
2009-04-05 9:42 am
無限公司~任何債務都要上身 (公司的利潤、虧損及債項等將由創業人士負責)

有限公司~公司成員對公司的債務和責任,僅負有有限的法律責任 (如果物業以公司名義持有, 那麼物業便是公司資產, 萬一公司破產, 物業需要用以抵賞債務)
2009-03-28 6:48 pm
1. You own a property liable to property tax if leased out. A limited company is a separate legal person, liable to profits tax. No difference as far as tax is concerned.
2. Yes. The limited company could have a 1 director and 1 shareholder now.
3. No comment in this public place. I suggest you could ask some of your friends having these information and/or now in business for referral of CPAs. The accounts of a limited company have to be audited by Certified Public Accountants in Public Practice.
4. This is only the authorized capital. The issued capital could be just $1. It is acceptable.
5. Nothing related. It is quite easy to set up a limited company. You can open a bank account in name of the limited company quite easily.

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