How much does the average Japanese person spend on calling/e-mailing from mobile phones each month?

2009-03-28 12:00 am
I've been to the NTT Docomo and au/KDDI websites but I'm still quite curious: I've heard that Japanese people tend to use their mobile phones for e-mail more than voice calling since voice calling is expensive.

So... on average...

1. How many minutes would a Japanese young adult spend talking on his/her keitai every month? This is so I can get an idea of what sort of "billing plan" the average Japanese person would go for, i.e. just a 55 minute plan which costs 2415 yen/month with a two-year subscription from Docomo... or something much more substantial?

2. How many mobile e-mails would the same person send per month?

3. Also, how much does the average mobile e-mail cost? Docomo's website says that i-mode usage costs 0.2 yen per packet, but what exactly is a "packet" and how many "packets" is one message?

4. Finally, if you live in Japan, how much do *you* spend on calling/e-mailing from your keitai every month?

Thanks!!! ^^

To pink__: As you can see, I have already done my research. I would appreciate a more helpful answer from personal experience.

回答 (3)

2009-03-28 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1, It depends on age and other factors. So it's difficult to tell you the average of the entire Japanese people.

Teenagers spend much time on cell phone like 40-70 hours a month. But adults do not spend so much like less than 10 hours in 1 month.

2, Like 1, some teens send as many as 100 emails everyday. But it depends on the person. Adults do not send so many.

3, "1 packet" is 64 Japanese characters, or 128 alphabets if you send it in English. But if you send images, it could be many packets.

4, I hardly call or send emails from cell phone. My bill is usually only 2,000 yen or so. Base fee for month is about 1,000 yen (This is Softbank White Plan). And another 1,000 yen for call and emails.

Note: The reason why Japanese people send emails more than calling is, it's not allowed to talk on cell phone on public places like on train.

There is no punishment like fine. But attendants will tell you to stop it if you are doing it.
參考: a native Japanese
2009-03-28 5:36 pm
2. about 100-130
3. i use au, and i was told 1 packet is 2 yen to send and 2 yen to recieve for email, and 3 yen to send but free to recieve for cmail. email is sending to anyone and cmail is sending only to other au phones.
4. i spend about ï¿¥6,000 a month, but i only email and talk, my friend who uses internet on her phone along with emailing and talking spends around ï¿¥10,000.

i hope this helps ^-^
參考: japanese with japanese friends ^-^
2009-03-28 7:03 am
look it up on google,,,,,,,,u will probably find sumthn there

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