Can you rate my pokemon Diamond team please?

2009-03-27 11:24 pm
A few things you should no first is that with some pokemon I sort of do backwards EV training like in the case of heracross since he had no sp attack moves I used berries to get rid of that stat and increase some others. Also ones in parenthesis are moves I plan to have but do not have yet. They are all level 100 and rate from 1 to 10. If you put something like "I hate pokemon" then I will report you I encourage other to do also.

Ominous Wind (Shadow ball)
Dark Pulse
EV: -attack (no attack moves)

Ice beam

Sludge Bomb
Ice beam
EV: -speed (it has always been slow so...)

Night Slash
Shadow Claw (sludge bomb)

Close Combat
Brick Break
Stone edge
EV: -sp attack (none anyway)

Body Slam
Sleep Talk

There are not alot of other moves for him though...


I minused evs not increased certain one!

回答 (4)

2009-03-28 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
The above comments have no idea what they are talking about... Now for some real information.

Rotom: Is pretty good, but why are you EV Training it in Attack? Thats a complete waste of EV's, Stick the Ev's in to Sp. Atk and Speed so you hit them first.

Dragonite: Ok... What is up with his moves? Dragonite can do so much better than that! Drogonite has an Insane Attack stat yet you choose to give him predominantly Sp. Atk moves... Keep Outrage and Fly and Add Slash and Thunderpunch (Take a Heart scale to the guy in Pastoria and he can teach it Thunderpunch)

Gastrodon: Yep all good here but unnessisary to give him Speed EV's because he'll always be Slow... give him HP and Attack EV's

Skuntank: Stick Sludge Bomb as your fourth move and he'll be cool

Heracross: Absolutely great moveset, slightly ruined by the SP. Atk Ev's... Why?? Train it in Attack!! NOWW!!!

Snorlax: Get rid of Phychic, there is no need for it, replace it with Earthquake and then the ground really will shake when he moves (Sorry couldn't resist)

At the moment I'd give it a resounding 6.5/10, Is brought down by the wasted EV's...

Sorry I sound really harsh, but I'm just trying to help... :D
參考: Me and only me...
2009-03-28 6:31 am
i give u a 7 out of 10
your team is gd but u could do better
like on ur meracross u should get rid of brick break off
ad put in a better move that takes more hp
2009-03-28 7:44 am
2009-03-28 6:29 am

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