Am I Pregnant? PLEASE HELP!?

2009-03-27 3:34 pm
Me and my boyfriend Andrew have been having sex for 3 years, using the method withdrawl. I havn't gotten pregnant yet. Every month I feel a little cramp in the upper part of my vagina that lets me know when I'm about so start, well I felt that, and I'm bloated, and my breasts are fuller, not swollen, but tender. I've gained a few pounds, maybe 4 or 5. Every month I always think I'm pregnant, it never fails. I was suppose to start on the 21 of this month, and now it's the 27. I am 16 years old. is that normal? I think I'm always late because I stress out about it? Help me please?

回答 (11)

2009-03-27 3:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the withdrawl method is very unsafe. there is such thing as pre-ejaculatory semen which means that even before he thinks he's finished and pulled out he's left some sperm in you from earlier. i think that you are really young and you have your whole life to get pregnant.

you're 16 which means your body is still changing and that could be the reason your period is late. stress could do it too. take a test and while you're there buy a pack of condoms. it'll be worth it when you get to graduate with all of your friends.

bloated-ness is more common a sign of your period than pregnancy. breast tenderness is a sign of both. just dont panic, take a test and see. but be more careful in the future.
2009-03-27 10:42 pm
Well here's the first question....are you TRYING to get pregnant?? If not, why are you using a VERY risky method? The withdrawl method is not reliable in the least; you are putting yourself through a great deal of unnecessary stress by not using condoms, birth control, or both!

The point is, if you are sexually active, there is always a chance you could be pregnant, regardless of the protection methods you use. Using condoms, birth control pills, patch, IUD, diaphragm, etc. will lessen the likelihood significantly of pregnancy, however.

If your period is late, go see your doctor or take a home pregnancy test. And then start talking to your boyfriend and doctor about having safer sex so you can enjoy it and not stress each month!
2009-03-27 10:40 pm
you realize that it is wrong that you have been having sex since you were 13 right?

yeah you might be and probably are pregnant... the best solution is to go down to the store and pee on a stick and see if you are or are not. it will be the scariest 5 minutes of waiting in your life but it is worth knowing. That is number one... number two is... you should draw up a conversation or brainstorm with or without your boyfriend who i hope is your age and not an illegal fornicator... and plan out what you will do in either worst or best case scenario... good luck
2009-03-27 10:40 pm
If you're always worried you're pregnant, why don't you use birth control? If you're late, take a test.
參考: Married, mom of two kids. Think it's a lot of hard work and responsibility being a mom.
2009-03-27 10:40 pm
The withdrawal method is not really birth control. It's failure rate is very high. You have been lucky so far but you may be pregnant. Find out with a test and then figure it out. You need to use proper birth control.
If you are having sex you need to prepare yourself for the consequences.
2009-03-27 10:39 pm
if you aren't pregnant, you will eventually be. Withdrawl is NOT a valid form of birth control
2009-03-27 10:39 pm
That's very foolish and irresponsible behavior. Sooner or later, you will get pregnant using the withdrawal method, because it's very unreliable. Take a pregnancy test. That's the only way to know if you're pregnant. And go on birth control or use condoms from now if it turns out you aren't pregnant.
2009-03-27 10:47 pm
go see the doc
2009-03-27 10:40 pm
Well when I saw "am i pregnant" I was going to say yes. But now that we know his name is Andrew and not John and you've been having sex for 3 years instead of 5, I'm going to say ...

We can't tell you. Take a test! If you think you're pregnant every month, you need to quit having sex! You're only 16 for crying out loud! Do you really want to miss out on the rest of your teen years because you just couldn't keep your legs closed?
(btw, the withdrawal method is not a method! It's a surefire way to get pregnant!)
2009-03-27 10:38 pm
Go see the doctor first.

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