
2009-03-28 4:38 am
如需提供,可(Food and health)/(healthy lifestyle)

回答 (3)

2009-03-28 12:08 pm
A healthy lifestyle is very essential to an individual. We have to take care of our physical fitness by having a balanced diet and adequate exercise. In regards to the intake of food, one should have a balanced diet including different types of meat and vegetables. Various types of fruit are crucial too. We also have to try our best to avoid eating junk food, for example, hamburgers in McDonald, potato chips, candies, cookies, etc. These junk food have very high levels of saturated fat. Maintaining a balanced diet can help to prevent suffering from a lot of diseases like cardiovascular disease? Smoking should be strongly prohibited as it is very detrimental to a person’s lungs. Another aspect is one should have frequent exercise, e.g. walking, jogging, playing basketball. That helps us to build the muscles and give us more energy. It also helps our metabolism to a large extent.

2009-03-28 04:11:07 補充:
This short essay only have 150 words which does not fit your criteria, but I just give you some ideas of composing the essay.
2009-03-28 6:09 am
You can talk about under serveral points
- How about your habit of diet? Healthy or unhealthy? You can also ask a rhetorical question. For example, "Are vegetables more delicious than chicken wings?"
- Importance of healthy food
- Examples of food that are related to health (vegetarian diet)
- In HK, are the Hongkonger's food habit (especially office worker and students) healthy enough? (especially their lunch)

In your conclusion, you can emphasize the importance of healthy food.
參考: I'm a S3 student. I hope this helps you.
2009-03-28 4:50 am

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