sequences/binomial 問題! (20)

2009-03-28 3:30 am
4. Each day a runner trails for a 10km race. On the first day she runs 1000m and then increases this distance by 250m on each subsequent day.

(a) On which day does she run a distance of 10km in training?

(b) What is the total distance she will have run in training by the end of the day? Give your answer exactly.

5. For the GS 2, -6, 18, …… find the seventh term ad the sum of the first ten terms.

Find the sum of the infinite GS (2/3)– (4/9) + (8/27) – (16/81) + …… (打5到份數)

7.Let S n = 2 + 6 + 18 + …… + 2 x 3n-1

Find the Least value of n for which S n > 150,000

** 7.Let S n = 2 + 6 + 18 + …… + 2 x 3^n-1 (3 TO THE POWER OF n-1) Find the Least value of n for which S n > 150,000

回答 (2)

2009-03-28 8:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
6.Find the sum of the infinite GS (2/3)– (4/9) + (8/27) – (16/81) + …… (打5到份數)


T(1) =2/3
T(2)= -4/9 = (2/3)(-2/3)
T(3)=8/27 =(2/3)(-2/3)^2
T(n) =(2/3)(-2/3)^(n-1)

so the sum of GP = a/ (1-R) =(2/3)[1-(-2/3)] =2/5 //

7.Let S n = 2 + 6 + 18 + …… + 2 x 3^(n-1)

Find the Least value of n for which S n > 150,000

S(n) >15000
=> a(R^n-1)/(R-1) >15000
=> 2[3^n-1]/[3-1] >15000
=>log 3^n > log 15001
=> n > log 15001 / log 3 = 8.8

so least value of n is 9 .

5.5. For the GS 2, -6, 18, …… find the seventh term ad the sum of the first ten terms.

T(1) =2 , T(2) = -6 =(2)(-3) ,T(3) =18 =(2)(-3)^2 ....
T(n) = (2)(-3)^(n-1)

S(10) = a(R^n-1)/(R-1)=(2)[(-3)^10-1]/(-3-1)=-29524//

let a(n) be the distance she ran on the nth day

a(1) = 1km
a(2) = 1.25km
a(3) = 1.5km

a(n) = 0.75 + 0.25 x n = 10km
hence n = 37

on day 27, she ran 10km

a(1) + a(2) + a(3) + ... ... + a(37)
= 37 x 0.75 + 0.25 x (1 + 2 + 3 + ... ... + 37) = 203.5km

2009-03-28 8:29 am
Q4a: let a(n) be the distance she ran on the nth day

a(1) = 1km
a(2) = 1.25km
a(3) = 1.5km

a(n) = 0.75 + 0.25 x n = 10km
hence n = 37

on day 27, she ran 10km

Q4b: a(1) + a(2) + a(3) + ... ... + a(37)
= 37 x 0.75 + 0.25 x (1 + 2 + 3 + ... ... + 37) = 203.5km

Q5: the common ratio R = -3

the seven term = 2 x [(-3) ^ 6] = 1458

the sum to the tenth term = 2 x {1 - [(-3) ^ 10]} / [1 - (-3)] = -29524

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