分享下有關會計師 , 難做?

2009-03-27 6:27 am
其實..今年讀左一年會計基礎文憑 , 學皮毛野 , 如果比心機都冇乜問題 , 但我聽人講好難讀上去。
所以 , 我就諗...第時出黎做野 , 盤數要做得好準確 , 咁係唔係好難?要做到好準確WOR!!!!雖然我估會有人幫你對數..但都冇理由成日錯(掛,唔清楚) , 所以聽落好似人才先做得會計師咁‧
所以我想問 , 到底做會計師係唔係真係好難好難 , 有時會怕自己做唔到..要將幾年學既野...第時自己拎出黎用..(還是我自己諗多左?)

回答 (2)

2009-03-31 7:46 am
到底做會計師係唔係真係好難好難 ?
Ans.: You know Accountant, Doctor and Lawyer are the three professions that earn the respect of general public. Is it difficult to become an accountant? First of all, it will take you a couple of years to study at schools and get a relevant university degree. Then you have to take the HKICPA examination. Finally, you have to accumulate enough experience before you become a full member of HKICPA and call yourself as "qualified accountant" The road is quite long, right?
會計師工作果陣 , 有什麼工作嗎?
The major duty of an accountant is to ensure the booking of the transactions of a company and the preparation of financial reports in accordance with the accounting standards. At senior level, an accountant will give advice on investment, business development and corporate governance. As you will hear, an accountant today is no longer a bean counter as in the old days.
There is a lot of classifications. We can classify them as practising (those work in audit firm) and non-practising (those work in company). We can also classify them by job nature, say financial accountant and management accountant. Also, the work of accountants in different industries are quite different. For example, the accounting in banks (service industry) are very very different from the accounting in factories (manufacturing industry).
Range from $7,000 to $14,000 depends on your experience and the size of the company.
Why do I know so much? I am an accountant!
2009-03-28 1:04 am
參考: 依家係大學主修會計

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