Simple English Grammar..HELP!!

2009-03-26 4:47 pm

Have you taken the medicine yet??

Did you take the medicine yet????

*你今日食o左藥味呀??? 英文點講!!!

Translate please!!! Have you been taking the medicine??? btw..Is the grammar correct??

回答 (4)

2009-04-02 6:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
前者英式講法 後者美式講法
但如果從文法角度講 係前者岩
2009-03-27 2:39 pm
我唔小心delete 左我個回應....嗚嗚....
如果你想問 *你今日食o左藥味呀???
用[Have you taken the medicine today?]會比較清楚...

2009-03-27 06:40:10 補充:
[Have you beeing taking the medicine?] 係grammatically correct, 但係係問緊[你有冇持續咁服用藥物], 並冇specify 到係咪[今日食]... so 唔係咁proper...

Did you take the medicine yet? 有d 怪....since [did] 係past tense, 好少會跟[yet], [yet] 係多數用係present/past perfect tense...
2009-03-27 12:02 am
Have you been taking the medicine??? --> correct.
Literal 的意思 應該是"你是否一直有食藥?",但我想可以譯為你是否有食藥?
2009-03-26 5:16 pm
Both are correct!

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