
2009-03-26 7:28 am
將以下的段落翻譯做英文 THANKS~

翻譯這一段 TOO 屬於地中海型氣候,氣候乾燥,雅典市夏季最高溫達攝氏 40 餘度,十分炎熱,旅遊宜防中暑,冬季最低溫為攝氏 1 度。 Thanks~


Also this one 希臘的世界遺產名錄 帕特莫斯島聖約翰修道院 德爾菲 阿波羅神廟考古遺址 費爾吉納考古遺址 羅得島中古城市 邁泰奧拉修道院 薩摩斯島畢達哥拉神廟和赫拉神廟 希臘墳墓大街 雅典國家考古博物館 希臘勝利女神廟

回答 (3)

2009-03-26 12:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Due to adverse sea and weather conditions, frequent flights to remote islands around Greece are only available from May to October. Therefore, most hotels on Santorini Island would usually be closed from November to April (or perhaps the Greeks are generally lazy).

Best months to visit: May to October
Peak season: June to August

The City of Athens has a Mediterranean climate, where the maximum temperature of the dry and extremely hot summer could reach 40 C. Visitors are advised to be aware of the danger of heat stroke. In winter, minimum temperature is around 1 C.

List of World Heritage Sites in Greece

Historic Centre (Chora) with the Monastery of Saint John "the Theologian" and the Cave of the Apocalypse on the Island of Patmos

德爾菲 阿波羅神廟考古遺址
Archaeological Site of Delphi - Temple of Apollo

Archaeological Site of Aigai (modern name Vergina)

Medieval City of Rhodes


Pythagoreion and Heraion of Samos

希臘墳墓大街 *
Street of the Tombs (Kerameikos Archaeology Site) *

雅典國家考古博物館 *
The National Archaeological Museum of Athens *

Temple of Athena Nike (at the Acropolis)

* 建議你查清楚雅典國家考古博物館和希臘墳墓大街是不是真的已被列為世界遺產,因為在聯合國世界遺產的列表上我找不到這兩個地方.

參考: Myself, http://www.unesco.org/
2009-03-27 5:57 am
Most of the Greek islands, due to wind and weather-related, only in May to October there is more aircraft fly to live outside the island of Greece
Santorini Island hostels, therefore a lot of November to April will be at rest (perhaps because the Greeks are lazy)
Month of the best tourist :5-10 months; season June-Augus

Belong to the Mediterranean-type climate, dry climate, Athens City, the summer high temperature reached 40 degrees Celsius is very hot, tourism appropriate prevention of heat stroke during the winter for most low-temperature one degree Celsius.
2009-03-26 7:32 am

The Greek major part island, because of the storm and the weather relations, only has many airliners May to ten months to fly Greek outlying islets
therefore on the Santorini island many hotels to be able in November month to April rest (perhaps to be because Greek lazy)
best traveling month: May to October; Busy season June to August

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