公司氣氛 ~ English translate

2009-03-26 6:00 am
公司一向都很寧靜, 就算是午飯時間, 各同事都只會坐在自己座位吃飯, 大家很少說話

我跟A及B同事比較熟, 我們每星期都會相約一至兩天出外吃飯

所有同事都會帶LUNCH BOX 回來, 留在公司吃飯

回答 (3)

2009-03-26 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
公司一向都很寧靜, 就算是午飯時間, 各同事都只會坐在自己座位吃飯, 大家很少說話
我跟A及B同事比較熟, 我們每星期都會相約一至兩天出外吃飯
所有同事都會帶LUNCH BOX 回來, 留在公司吃飯.
The atmosphere of our office is pretty quiet, even during lunch time, our colleagues taking their lunch boxes at their seats quietly without talking.
I'm quite familiar with A & B, we used to have our lunches outside once or twice a week.
Most of our colleagues bringing their own lunch box & have it in the office.
Note: I've changed last sentence "all colleagues...." to "most colleagues" because at least, you & your friends are not.
參考: Own
2009-03-26 8:26 am
My company is usually quiet even at lunch time. Every colleague would sit at their own desks to eat their lunches. We seldom have any chance of verbal communication.

I have a closer relationship with colleague A and B, we will eat out once or twice every week.

Other colleagues bring their lunch boxes to the company and eat their lunches there.
2009-03-26 7:25 am
Company Atmosphere
It is always very quiet in the company. Even at lunch hour, colleagues will sit at their places and have lunch. They seldom talk.
Colleagues A and B are close to me. We will go out for lunch once or twice a week.
All the colleagues will bring lunch boxes and have lunch at the company.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:31:22
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