就只喝几杯啤酒 也会喝醉 是不是有病啊?

2009-03-26 2:58 am
我发觉自己喝酒大不如前 , 就只喝几杯啤酒 也会喝醉 是不是有


回答 (3)

2009-03-27 6:43 pm
不是有病, 只係你酒精份量可能因為日積月累储左起身體度, 所以就會有咁現象...
2009-03-26 7:16 am
What is your age and sex?

How long (how many year) have you been drinking?

How many drink per day? How many day per week do you drink?

Do you have yellow (complexion) skin or itchy skin?

2009-03-29 12:40:21 補充:
in terms of amount - 七至八瓶啤酒 或 半瓶洋酒 is over the 4 standard drinks but since it is not everyday, you can't be considered as alcohol dependant or abuse, however this amount still caused overloading of your liver functions.
Look at your eye white part, see if there is a yellow coloration.

2009-03-29 12:42:05 補充:
Itchy skin can be related to bilirubin deposition on your skin.
If you have undetected liver problem - e.g. hepatitis B before (or even liver cancer), your liver is weakened, so that amount of drink will gradually erode your liver functions

2009-03-29 12:43:19 補充:
--> eventually results in cirrhosis, or even liver cancer.
Go to do a liver function tests in a laboratory, or you can go to public hospital doctor, they will let you have a free blood test,..

2009-03-29 12:44:24 補充:
if there is something wrong in your liver function tests, they will notify you. No matter what, the fact that you can’t drink as much as before suggests that your liver function is declining, so stop drinking immediately.

Good luck, buddy!
參考: , clinical neuropsychology, clinical neuropsychology, clinical neuropsychology, clinical neuropsychology
2009-03-26 3:23 am

MY BLOG:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/ChongMeiHung2





一杯營養蛋白素代餐相當於33種蔬菜, 6種水果,內含200多種營養素

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