請問呢句的grammer 是否有問題

2009-03-25 9:09 pm
I'm pleased if you could advise your order forecast / planning of repeat order for 2nd quarter of year 2009.

回答 (3)

2009-03-26 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm pleased if you could advise your order forecast / planning of repeat order for 2nd quarter of year 2009.

Okay, the grammar of your sentence is A okay. But,
一般商業上的字句不適宜用 I am pleased....
I'll appreciate it if you would advise me your order forecast (planning) of repeat orders for 2nd quarter of year 2009.
1) I am pleased... - 等於要對方奉承你?
2) forecast & planning / same meaning, you may use either one.
參考: Own
2009-03-25 9:25 pm
因為句子是以禮貌為先,所以最好以 I would 開始:
I would be pleased if you would kindly advise me your order forecast / planning of repeat orders for the 2nd quarter of Year 2009.
2009-03-25 9:18 pm

I will be pleased if you could advise your order forcast/planning of
repeat orders for the second quarter of year 2009

2009-03-26 13:05:19 補充:
這是一般的說法, 對公司中的人說的, 已經很有禮貌, 不用再添加特別的語法, 要不是別人會覺得你是刻意奉承, 有反效果.
參考: me

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