
2009-03-25 7:59 pm

回答 (5)

2009-03-26 5:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.我是不會放棄你的 I will not give up on you
2.我會為你而改變的 I will change for you
3.呢個世界冇野係唔可能 nothing is impossible in this world
4.我是做到的 I can do it
5.我會努力的 I will work hard for it
4.正在尋找自己 I am looking for myself
2009-03-26 9:10 am
I will never give up on you.
I will change myself for you.
There is nothing impossible in this world.

I can do it.
I will try my best.
I am trying to search for my own self.
2009-03-26 12:32 am
1.我是不會放棄你的:I will not give up you

2.我會為你而改變的:I will change for you

3.呢個世界冇野係唔可能: This world does not have the matter to have possibly

4.我是做到的:I achieve

5.我會努力的:I diligently

2009-03-25 9:09 pm
1) I won't abandon you/ I won't leave you alone.
2) For you, I will be a better person.
3) Nothing is impossible.
4) I can do it/ I can achieve it.
5) I will do my best.

2009-03-25 21:07:51 補充:
正在尋找自己= I am seeking my true self.
2009-03-25 8:19 pm

I'll never let you alone


I'll change for you


All is workable in the world

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