
2009-03-25 6:45 am


D 生字愈簡單愈好thz

回答 (2)

2009-03-26 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Money is important to people as we can do many things by spending money. Since money is that important, people started tyring many methods to get money. Some of them betray their family members, friends in order to get more money. It makes them to be mad about money. Therefore, there are many disadvantages about money.

Although money is important, families and friends are even more important than it. It's because we cannot make families or friends by spending money. Moreover, some greedy people may do something that harm the others to get money. For example, people that are mad about gambling may do something which is illegal. It's not only hurt their families, but also kill their life. It's such a horrible thing, isn't it? Therefore, we should spend money in the right way, for example, we can spend it on something which are meaningful.

2009-03-25 16:34:25 補充:
sorry, in the 2nd paragraph, it should be "It's not only hurting their families, but also killing their life."
參考: myself
2009-03-25 6:53 am
Sorry,I don't kown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

參考: no

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