Illustrator 自由變形!!

2009-03-25 6:35 am
ai 內的自由變形好似得縮放, 旋轉, 鏡射等, 但我想是 把一個正方形的4條邊自由拉長縮短, 可以變成平行4邊形, 菱形,甚至係不規則形咁之類

可以點做 ?

我之前試過可以, 好似係"咁" 個 "o", 但唔記得左係點 ! 請指教!! 謝謝.

回答 (1)

2009-03-27 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Use the 'Free Transform' tool needs some techniques and practices.

1. First of all, select any shape, a bounding box with 8 little squares (handles) appears.

2. Select the 'Free Transform' tool and click the shape.

3. Drag any one of the little squares along the bounding box in any direction you want.

4. Then hold down:
Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS), OR
Ctrl+Alt (Windows) or Option+Command (Mac OS), OR
Shift+Alt+Ctrl (Windows) or Shift+Option+Command (Mac OS)
and keep dragging, to make the effects that you want
---> 變成平行4邊形, 菱形,甚至係不規則形咁之類.

Hope these information are helpful to you.

參考: Myself

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